Company News

Access and Inclusion is Good for Business – Australian Network on Disability

Disability is common in Australia, but often invisible. Nearly 10 per cent of the workforce has some form of disability, with 32 per cent of employees with a disability working as professionals or managers. As many as 1 in 5 Australians experience mental illness in any year and 45 per cent experience mental illness in

Access and Inclusion is Good for Business – Australian Network on Disability Read More »

Bryce - Disability Traineeship
Work Parts Australia Logo


Wear Parts Australia

Bryce was diagnosed with mild Intellectual Disability as well as speech impairment. Our skilled Career Coach successfully matched Bryce with a wonderful and supportive local employer – Wear Parts Australia. Bryce was offered a school based traineeship in Warehousing and Logistics. 

Since the very beginning of the traineeship, our service has been proactively anticipating the training and support needs from both the employer and the employee. 

Today, Bryce has been well on his way to achieve his qualification and also been one step closer to his dream career.


Riviera Luxury Motor Yachts

Jemma was referred by her high school to our employment program with the hopes to better engage her both in and out of the school system. Jemma was diagnosed with Autism, and had displayed behaviour issues in the classroom setting. 

The team at Prestige Employment Solutions identified training and support needs Jemma required in the areas of work readiness.  Jemma’s Career Coach was able to develop a positive rapport with her straight away and continued supporting her during the uncertainty of the pandemic. Jemma’s Career Coach helped Jemma to navigate through challenging personal circumstances while working with her extensively to address several barriers to employment. 

In early 2021, Prestige Employment Solutions developed a partnership with Riviera Australia in supporting their apprenticeship program. Jemma was one of the candidates being put forward for the opportunity.  Our Career Coach supported Jemma every step of the way during her application process. The team at Riviera were supportive and understanding of Jemma’s circumstances during the recruitment.  Jemma was offered a school-based apprenticeship in Polymer Processing.  Our Career Coach continues providing tailored coaching and support to Jemma in both personal and professional areas of her life. 

The amazing team at Riviera continues to provide Jemma with ongoing mentoring and assistance to ensure her success in the role. Jemma has been well supported by her workplace mentor and Jemma has grown in confidence in her role.  Jemma was offered a full-time apprenticeship role with Riviera when she graduated from high school. Thanks to the supportive work environment Riviera provides, Jemma is thriving in all aspects of her life and gaining a great level of independence. 

Jemma’s transformation has been an encouragement and inspiration to all those involved in her journey to success. 

Jemma Autism Employee
Riviera Luxury Motor Yachts Logo
Intercontiental Sanctuary Cove


Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove

Brayden joined Prestige Employment Solutions (PES)  in year 11 with the goal of pursuing a school based traineeship. Brayden had career aspirations to work in hospitality, however due to industry shutdowns as a result of Covid this was a very limited option. Our team therefore assisted him to explore other work opportunities.

Brayden was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and an Intellectual Disability.  PES worked with Brayden extensively during the work readiness program before the team secured him a school based traineeship in a retail setting.  Our dedicated service approach enabled the same Career Coach to remain with him throughout the entire process and continued to work on developing necessary workplace skills allowing Brayden to succeed in his work environment.

Brayden successfully completed his traineeship and with the hospitality industry recovering he was able to pursue his original career goal. With the assistance of his Career Coach, Brayden secured a role as a pool attendant with Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove ( IHG ), where he has proven himself a valuable member of the team. Thanks to the hard work of both Brayden and his Career Coach Brayden is now thriving and hopes to continue his career with IHG with the goal of branching into more departments. With the support of the great team at IHG and Brayden’s determination, we at PES look forward to supporting him through this next step in his career development.



Ryan joined Prestige Employment Solutions service when in high school and has remained with the service through a variety of roles and training opportunities.

Ryan lives with Autism and experiences social anxiety.  Ryan has previously experienced several negative work related occurrences throughout his employment history, and these circumstances contributed towards demotivating Ryan to work, negatively impacting his confidence in employment.

With Ryan working alongside his career coach at Prestige Employment Solutions, he was supported in identifying a work environment that better compliments his abilities.

Ryan began as a wash bay attendant with Cookers Bulk Oil on a part-time basis and has quickly progressed to a full-time role on the depot floor.

The team at Cookers has been amazingly supportive and embraced Ryan helping him to develop a sense of pride and confidence in his work not previously experienced. Prestige Employment Solutions’ career coach has continued working with Ryan through this process, to continually develop his independence and communication skills.

Ryan recently achieved and exceeded his employment milestones and is now very much a part of the Cookers family.

Ryan Cookers Employment
Cookers Oil System Logo
Disability Work
Garmish Fabrications Logo


Garmisch Fabrications

Marcus approached our service after struggling to maintain long term employment since leaving school. After going through a work readiness training program with our Career Coach, Marcus was identified to have an interest in pursuing a career in a trade.  

Our service helped source a pre-apprenticeship course for Marcus. The training was conducted in a practical setting which allowed Marcus to develop the skills he needed to enter the workforce.

Upon completion of the course, Marcus has secured an apprenticeship with a local business Garmisch Fabrications where he is undertaking a Cert 3 in Engineering. Marcus has been embracing his first-year apprenticeship since day one through his hard work and determination.

Marcus’ ongoing success was made possible by the great support of his employer and the continuous mentorship and development of his Career Coach. 



Caitlin approached our service after struggling to secure employment for a long period of time. Caitlin was diagnosed with Intellectual Disability along with other health challenges at a young age. After meeting with Caitlin our career coach was quickly able to identify her passion and interest in working in a retail environment. 

After the completion of the work readiness training program, our service created an employment opportunity for Caitlin at Officeworks Nerang.  

During her employment with the store, our career coach offered tailored on the job training and support to help Caitlin to navigate through some significant employment and training challenges during the pandemic. 

Caitlin has now become a valuable member to the store and has been receiving ongoing praise and recognition for her teamwork and customer service. This is thanks not only to the great support from the team at the Nerang store and our service’s ongoing workplace coaching but the self determination Caitlin has shown throughout her employment.

Caitlin Officeworks Employee
Officeworks Logo
Angus AAA Trimming


AAA Soft Tops

Angus’ employment journey has once again demonstrated PES’ service commitment to ensure the best possible job- participant match. 

Angus was first referred to Prestige Employment Solutions when he was struggling to maintain employment as an apprentice sign writer. Our Career Coach provided extensive ongoing mentoring and support to Angus and the employer in an effort to keep him in the place of employment. However, after substantial service support effort, our Career Coach and Angus determined that the job placement did not meet Angus strengths and existing skill set. PES team then supported Angus to commence a new program with our service. 

Angus was diagnosed with Autism with social communication disorder (pragmatic). The same Career Coach was able to work with Angus and his speech pathologist extensively to determine a more appropriate career path for him. Our team then created a role with a local business taking into consideration Angus’ communication barriers as well. 

The local business AAA Soft Tops and its owner have been great supporters of Angus and our programs. Angus has since regained his confidence and excelled in his new role. 



Cruz is a motivated young man and has an Intellectual Disability that affects comprehension and communication skills.

After Cruz joined our service, his Career Coach immediately identified his passion in the health and fitness industry and managed to create a traineeship opportunity for Cruz at Snap Fitness Runaway Bay.

Since day one of his employment, Cruz was fully embraced by the Runaway Bay team to excel in his role.

Our service has been working closely with all relevant stakeholders involved in Cruz’s traineeship to ensure appropriate training and support is in place.

Cruz Intellectual Disability Employment
Snap Fitness
Arundel Hills Country Club

Cameron - Part 1

Arundel Hills Country Club

Cameron has Attention Deficit Disorder and struggles with social interaction and communication as a result. Cameron joined our service in Year 12 to begin developing necessary skills to assist him to transit into future workplace. 

Prior to coming to our service, Cameron suffered from some level of anxiety as a consequence of a negative workplace experience. 

Since being in our service, Cameron’s confidence and self esteem has grown so much. 

After successfully completing his work readiness training, our service matched Cameron with a very supportive local employer who completely changed Cameron’s experience at the workplace.

Cameron - Part 2


Cameron’s employment journey is one of the many examples demonstrating  PES’ service commitment to create tailored employment pathways for each individual.  When Cameron graduated from  year 12, the PES team continued assisting him to source an apprenticeship in an area of his great interest.  

Cameron always wanted to become a carpenter when he grew up. Throughout his employment with AHCC, our career coach intentionally developed his transferable skills in order to assist him to transition  into his dream career.  

When Cameron was offered a 1st year apprentice cabinet maker with FPRR , everyone involved was so over the moon for him. Since then Cameron has been receiving great mentorship from the owner while supported by our career coach.  Our continuous service involvement is critical to ensure Cameron excels in his new role and meets the requirements of his apprenticeship. 

Cameron Job 2


Arundel Hills Country Club

Zak was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. 

After going through much needed work readiness training, our service created a school based traineeship opportunity for Zak at a community minded business – Arundel Hills Country Club. 

With the support from both the employer and our service, Zak has developed into a reliable and dedicated employee.

Zak Autism Employment
Arundel Hills Country Club


City Venue Management (CVM)

Samuel was diagnosed with Aspergers and a Speech impairment. He joined our Service in Year 11 in an attempt to search for a school based traineeship that would be in line with his interest in sports.

After being approached by our Service, City Venue Management (CVM) decided to come on board to support Samuel to make his dream job become a reality.

With the support of the CVM team and his Career Coach, Samuel has excelled in many aspects of his traineeship. He is now more determined than ever to pursue a career with the company upon the completion of his traineeship. 

Samuel School Leaver Employment - City Venue Management
City Venue Management Logo
Sorchell intellectual disability employment



Sorchell joined our service in year 11 with the hopes of securing a School Based Traineeship. Sorchell was diagnosed with Intellectual Disability and Speech Impairment however, he has a passion for hands on work and was very motivated to enter into the workforce. 
Very soon our Career Coach identified that Warehousing and Logistics would be a suitable employment pathway for Sorchell, After a successful work trial at  Atomic Fashion Marketing, Sorchell was offered a traineeship . Our service has remained involved in every step of the traineeship to ensure all involved parties are supported throughout the program. 
With the amazing support from the Atomic team and our skilled Career Coach, Sorchell has achieved every single employment milestone along the way and looks forward to pursuing a career in the Warehousing industry after the graduation. 



Jayden joined our service during his final year of schooling. Jayden was diagnosed with ADHD and Mild Intellectual Disability, which made traditional schooling difficult for him.

Through our holistic service approach, we have helped Jayden to overcome significant vocational and personal barriers. Upon completion of his job readiness training, our Career Coach sourced employment for Jayden at a local Coles store.

Through great support from Coles team and his Career Coach,  Jayden has shown determination and made significant progress in both his professional and personal life. Jayden has been recognised for his hard work and been offered a permanent part time role with Coles. 

Jayden Disability Employment Coles
Coles Logo
Robert Autism Employment
Rebel Sport Logo


Rebel Sport

Robert was diagnosed with Autism spectrum Disorder.

Our service began working with him in high school to build necessary workplace skills. Our service also took Robert’s passion and interest into account when creating a sustainable employment opportunity for him at Rebel Sport Oxenford.

Since his employment, our service has developed tailored on the job training and support for both Robert and the employer to address any barriers.

Today Robert has become a valuable member of the Rebel Oxenford team and is looking forward to celebrating his one year anniversary with the company.



David was diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability and joined our service while in school to help him to develop necessary skills and prepare for the post school transition. 

Our service nurtured David’s passion for food and cultivated a traineeship opportunity for him with a local restaurant. With the support and assistance from the employer and our service, David not only overcame all his personal and professional obstacles during his traineeship but exceeded expectations to achieve his Cert III in Hospitality in a timely manner.

Upon achieving his year 12 certificate, David remained determined to pursue his career goal as a chef. Through our service’s tireless effort working with multiple industry partners, David was offered a full time chef apprenticeship role with Surfers Pavilion, one of the portfolio restaurant brands under Artesian Hospitality. Since the commencement of his apprenticeship, our service has remained a strong advocate for David to help him overcome any employment and training related barriers.  Under the mentorship of head chef David Thompson and tailored training support from trainer Christopher Dave (CTA), David has been reaching every milestone during his apprenticeship. David’s success story illustrates the impact like-minded community partners can have when they work together to help a young person achieve their dreams. 

David's Success Story Profile Picture
Surfers Pavilion Logo